Soul Retrieval
As we incarnate into this life it is our intention to do so with all of our soul. However due to current, past or other life trauma, prenatal and perinatal trauma, unresolved ancestral karma and negative experiences with beings in other realms of existence, some parts of our soul are unable to fully incarnate with us. These parts are then scattered through time, waiting to be integrated once more. As a result we feel like we’re not complete, that a part of our life force is not available to us. Which can manifest as mental, emotional and/or physical illness, as well as a general sense of imbalance, purposelessness and disconnection from Life/God/Spirit/Source.
A soul part is never truly lost, a tether to the soul always remains. It just so happens that the past or current environment is unaccommodating or unsafe to these parts. Because of that it has decided to move away, waiting for safety and clarity to return in the now. By attuning to these lost parts we grant them the space to be seen so that the wounding can be healed. This creates a container through which the lost part can come back home. Due to it’s integration we feel more whole, alive and sometimes lost abilities become available to us once more. We come closer to living our life’s purpose and reconnect with our vital lifeforce.
Soul Retrieval used to be the providence of Druids, Shamans and Priests in ancient societies. Modern therapies unfortunately often haven’t even got a concept of Soul due to the secularization/disconnection of Spirit in modern society. We aim to change that by re-integrating this lost artform into modern day therapy and healing by creating healing spaces, physically and online, where soul retrieval is made possible once again. A distinct difference between soul retrieval and other forms of therapy is that the retrieval is carried out by the druid/shaman/therapist and only afterwards is it the taks of the client to keep welcoming it back into his or her body and life until it is integrated again.
Our strength lies especially in being able to attune to these parts of your soul that have split off, mostly by means of clairvoyance and clairsentience (i.e. we see inner images that guide us and feel along). Through your request for help and your intention we are able to attune to the specific parts of your soul that are ready to be reintegrated. Once that happens, the veil of forgetfulness lifts and you awaken more to your soul consciousness.

Here you find short summaries of the different pages on our website. You can click on the text above to go to read more on the next page.
A deep healing container in your honor. This is where Ward and Danny come together, connect to your soul and facilitate soul retrieval for you. A truly magical experience where lifelong blockages can be transmuted. This is the core of our work which we share from the heart and with deep reverance for you and other souls. Discover more about the sessions on this page.
Here you can find our latest offers regarding one or two day workshops. We offer online sessions for groups and immersive healing containers where we meet physically in the Netherlands or Belgium. Through coming together in these spaces we offer our thanks, prayers and voice to the world so that we may heal all forms of seperation and guide ourselves and others back to wholeness.
If you are looking for a multi day experience where you can truly land in a healing container, than our retreats are for you. We offer a space of deep connection to yourself, others, the world and the divine where we dive deeper into what it is like to be a soul living in a human body. All our retreats have a central theme of soul retrieval and are given with the deepest respect for all living beings.
We are two multidimensional brothers that have found each other again in this physical existence. Together we anchor a field with clearly defined boundaries that makes possible the magic of soul retrieval. We guide the higher dimensional information of lost soul parts in making their way into the Earth matrix and the field of the client.

We gather our inspiration through coming together and reading books that enliven our imagination. Are you in need of a spark of light than allow yourself to be enchanted on this page. Here you'll find our latest updates on soul retrievals and various videos of collective soul retrievals we have done.
Would you like to book a session, do you have any questions or feedback? Than you are very welcome to reach out. On this page you'll find our contact form where you can share your mind with us. We look forward to connecting with you and meeting you on a soul level.
If you want to be the first to receive any updates on our offers or get notified when we have scheduled new workshops. Feel free to leave your e-mail here.